b'316931703171317231733166.Pottery stein, 10.3" ht., transfer & hand-painted,3170.Porcelain stein, .5L, 10.2" ht., hand-painted relief, set-on lid, brass mounts, mint.Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, inlaid lid, 3167.Porcelainstein,.5L,transferandhand-painted,mint. hunter and young woman, music box base, pewter3171.Porcelainstein,1.0L,10.0"ht.,hand-painted lid, mint.relief,Capo-di-Monte,markedNwithcrown, 3168.Porcelainstein,1.0L,transfer&handpainted,inlaid lid, mint. marked Nymphenburg, cupid, pewter lid, excellent3172.Porcelainstein,1.0L,10.7"ht.,hand-painted repair of a small base chip, spider line on undersiderelief, Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, large of base.elephant handle, set-on lid, mint. 3169.Porcelainstein,1.0L,10.0"ht.,hand-painted3173.Porcelain stein, .5L, 8.4" ht., hand-painted relief, relief,Capo-di-Monte,markedNwithCrown,Capo-di-Monte, marked N with crown, set-on lid, inlaid lid, good repair to helmet and interior.very good repair to one ear on finial.3174. Porcelain stein, 4.0L, 11.2" ht., hand-painted and3175.Porcelain plate, 8.5" d., marked Rosenthal, Selb, appliedrelief,markedAR[AugustusRex],lateOlympiade, 1936, rare, mint.1800s,floralandpeople,set-onlid,basebreak glued and filled, small chips on leaves.'