b'3182 3183 3184 318531863187 3188 3189319031913192 3193319431953196 319731983182.Characterstein,.5L,pottery,marked799,RM,3187.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked F. & M. N., Cat with Bottle, very good lid repair.Nrnberg Tower, Hans Sachs, mint. 3183.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked 987, Clown,3188.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked Gerz, 061, lid repaired.Fraternity Cat, mint.3184.Character stein, .5L, porcelain, unmarked, Munich3189.Character stein, .5L, pottery, by Diesinger, 700, Child, mint.Bock in Barrel, minor pewter tear, otherwise mint. 3185.Characterstein,.5L,porcelain,BowlingPin,3190.Character stein, .5L, pottery, marked 770, by J.W. inlaid lid, a little wear.Remy, Wealthy Pig, center hinge ring loose and 3186.Character stein, .5L, pottery, unmarked, majolicaworks well, otherwise mint. glaze, Knight, mint.'