b'1094 1095 109610971098 1099 1100 1101 1102110311041101.Porcelainstein,1.0L,11.5"ht.,hand-painted& relief, marked N with crown, Capo-di-Monte, porce-lain inlaid lid, factory firing line, otherwise mint. 1102.Porcelainstein,1.0L,11.2"ht.,hand-painted& relief, marked N with crown, Capo-di-Monte, inte-rior gilded, porcelain lid, mint. 1103.Porcelainstein,.5L,9.2"ht.,hand-painted& relief, marked N with crown, Capo-di-Monte, inte-rior gilded, porcelain lid, mint. 1104.Porcelain stein, 11.9" ht., hand-painted, reticulated, late 1800s, marked Herend, #1872 & factory mark, brass lid with silver-plating wear, otherwise mint. 1105.Wood stein, .5L, 5.9\'\' ht., mid 1800s, wood cylin-derwithimpressedbirchwoodveneer,sceneof Germaniawithpeopleandverse,woodlidcon-structed in same fashion, pitch interior, very unusu-aldesignandworkmanship,goodconditionwith signs of age. 1106.Woodtankard,8.5"ht.,mid1800s,Norwegian, detailed carving, matching wood lid, excellent qual-ity and condition.1105 1106'