b"3054 3050 3051 3052305330553050.Stoneware stein, 1.0L, relief & hand-painted, In3052.Potterystein,.5L,relief,Wilhelmshaven, Treue Fest, 1914 - 1915, pewter lid, mint.Marinestation, silver-plated lid, mint. 3051.Pottery stein, 1.0L, pottery, photo transfer, hand- 3053.ThirdReichstein,.5L,pottery,Oberjger painted words, Wir sind nicht das Gefolge, nichtVereinigung III [Jger] Batl. 15. Inf. Regt., pewter Vasallen,sondernVerbndetedesDeutschenlid with figural helmet, owner's name & 1934 on Kaisers [We are not the followers, not vassals, butlid, mint. allies of the German Emperor], Moskau, 25. Mai, 6.3054.Regimentalashtray,6.2''d.porcelain,Husaren Juni, 1896, The Coronation of Nicholas II, attendedRegt. Nr. 15, Wandsbek, mint. by Prince Ludwig as the representative of Prince3055.Regimentalporcelainpipebowl,Inft.Nr.17, Regent Luitpold, pewter lid, rare, mint.Mrchingen, 1894 - 1896, Res. Schewe, wood stem missing tip. 3056 305730583059 3059 mark3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 30663067 3068"